
Career Development

Who hasn’t heard the well-rehearsed line “I didn’t choose property management – it chose me!”?

Residential property management in particular has historically been a landlord vs tenant battle, a ‘them and us’ or ‘the establishment vs the people’ kind of a role. 

The last vestiges of that disparity are being played out at the moment (e.g. campaign for the abolition of leasehold houses; outlawing prohibitive ground rent clauses) but leasehold isn’t going anywhere quickly and relationships between freeholders and their CUSTOMERS are far more collaborative than they used to be. In fact, all stakeholders in our sector have shown over the last decade that they want to get involved, promote best practice and generally ‘get involved’. 

The role of a property manager has changed over the last decade – for the better. Through qualifications and training via the IRPM and ARMA, and a whole manner of educational events [link to events page] organised by many of our Partner Network, raising the bar is a perpetual theme in the sector. Much of the professionalism of the industry has been driven by ever-increasing expectations from customers – from leasehold blocks of flats and build-to-rent schemes. And they’re right to expect and demand the best. 

That all means the sector needs well rounded, well cross-trained, technically proficient property managers to run a wide range of residential schemes, from small converted houses through to sprawling mixed-use and complex estates. And they need to be backed up by efficient accountants, ensuring that the leaseholders’ hard earned service charges are well managed. 

So for companies looking for talented staff, and talented staff looking for the right career move, how can we help?

  • We are a sounding board for companies looking to find the right staff to fit into their culture and at the right price point. We get to know the companies well which helps to match-make more effectively 

  • We can source talented staff and help to shortlist the best for phone and face-to-face interviews

  • We help draw up job descriptions that make the role really stand out. Sometimes this exercise helps to change the make-up of the role itself

  • We work with candidates to ensure their CVs are attractively presented, are concise and are tailored to the job being applied for

  • We advise candidates on their employment options, including moves to other parts of the industry – for example from block management to build-to-rent, or a move client side or even supplier side

  • We help candidates to look, objectively, at their current role which can often be improved through their own actions

  • We coach candidates ahead of interviews, assisting them to do the right research on the company, to prepare for expected and unusual questions, to make sure they know and understand the finances of their portfolio, to ensure they always ask the right questions of the employer and to demonstrate the right level of ambition

  • We work closely with a single property management recruiter [link embedded to the BBL page on the Partners Network page]helping companies and candidates to find their dream match

Company or candidate, speak to us in confidence. It may be the most important call you make in a long time.